Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Milk Wins!

Milk Wins

I learned recently that the ideal ratio of carbs/protein/fat in the average person's daily diet is 50% carbs, 40% protein, and 10% fat. This brought new meaning to the term "balanced diet." This meant that if I was eating a carb heavy food (like oatmeal) then I would want to balance it out with a protein heavy food (like eggs.) All of a sudden traditional meals started to make more sense. Oatmeal and scrambled eggs for breakfast, tuna-fish sandwich for lunch, steak and potatoes for dinner, all of these are balanced. This made me curious though, is there a food out there that has a perfect ratio of carbs to protein and fat? After some calculations on my google docs spread sheet I was surprised that there was only one food that matched it perfectly... and the winner is!

Milk - In between 1% and skim is ideal: 50% carb/40%protein/10%fat.

This means you can drink milk and you don't have to eat anything else to balance it. Milk is a meal. Careful though how much you drink in one sitting, if you drink too much your stomach acids will curdle it, and that doesn't feel good. (I learned this the hard way :) )

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